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T E L E S A L E ver 2.10
A Telemarketing Program
(c) 1986 Softcity and
Chris Vandersluis
4730 Queen Mary Rd. #12
Montreal, Qc, H3W 1W8
Compuserve: 74545,247
T A B L E o f C O N T E N T S
Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1
Hardware Requirements. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2
Software Included. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2
Installing TELESALE. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2
Using TELESALE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3
Menu Bar . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3
Add new Prospects. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3
Search for a Prospect . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3
Change Prospect Record . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3
Update Prospect Status . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3
Delete Prospect Record . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3
Printing Prospect Sheets . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3
Printing Reports . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4
Printing Labels. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5
Exiting and returning to DOS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5
Backups. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5
Registering your copy of TELESALE. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6
Registration form. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7
Invoice. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8
January 10, 1987 TELESALE Page: 1
TELESALE is a program designed for people doing
telemarketing or sales in general. It is a database that allows
the user to quickly enter prospect data at the screen and report
that data either sorted in a printed columnar report or printed
out on a prospect sheet. TELESALE has a number of features which
make it ideal for companies that deal with a high number of
referrals. How many times have you had a lead written down on a
scrap of paper that seems to turn up only after your competition
has made the sale?
TELESALE will track follow-up dates, the salesman dealing
with the prospect, the original lead (so you can evaluate the
efficiency of your advertising), and a number of other fields of
data that are essential to confirming a sale.
TELESALE has been written under Ashton Tate's dBASE III and
has been compiled using the Clipper Compiler from Nantucket.
TELESALE is copyrighted and neither the program nor the
documentation may be altered in any way. However, please feel
free to copy this program and distribute it to your friends.
TELESALE is distributed on the SHAREWARE concept. If you wish to
register your copy please send $10.00 to:
4730 Queen Mary Rd. #12
Montreal, Qc
H3W 1W8
We will send you a disk with the latest version of TELESALE.
Also you will be notified of any future developments. If you
wish the source code for this product, please send your cheque
for $25.00.
Thank you for using TELESALE! If you have any comments on
its use or any suggestions for its improvement, please let me
Chris Vandersluis
January 10, 1987 TELESALE Page: 2
Hardware Requirements
1 Floppy disk
256k RAM
1 Printer (capable of printing 132 columns in
compressed mode)
Monochrome or color monitor
Software Included
The following files should be included with your
TELESALE program.
(** = Files required for TELESALE)
(## = Files created by TELESALE)
(%% = Files not essential to running TELESALE)
** TELESALE.EXE - The main program
** TELESALE.DAT - The data file
## TELESALE.INX - The index to the data file
## TEMP.INX - A temporary index for report sorting
## CONFIG.TLS - The hardware configuration file
%% TELESALE.DOC - This manual
%% READ_ME.1ST - Miscellaneous notes.
Installing TELESALE
To install TELESALE or to change the hardware configuration,
delete the 'CONFIG.TLS' file. Then start TELESALE normally by
typing 'TELESALE'.
The program will prompt you to enter the data drive and
printer information. TELESALE reports are 132 columns wide. If
your printer is 15" wide and you do not wish your reports in
condensed print, simply leave the printer codes blank.
You must have a 'TELESALE.DAT' file in the data drive and
directory in which you are working. If you start TELESALE from a
directory or diskette that does not contain TELESALE.DAT,
TELESALE will create a blank data file for you. You can, if you
wish, use multiple data files with TELESALE. To do this, each
data file must have its own subdirectory and the data file must
be called 'TELESALE.DAT'. Once this is accomplished, change to
the data directory, set a path with DOS to the directory
containing 'TELESALE.EXE' and run TELESALE normally.
For example, if you have TELESALE in directory \TS and the
data in \TS\DATA, you type;
Of course, if you are using a floppy disk system, this can
be accomplished much easier by using a different floppy disk for
each data file.
January 10, 1987 TELESALE Page: 3
Menu Bar
When you start TELESALE you are presented with a view screen
of the first record and at the bottom of the screen a menubar:
Add Search Change Update Delete Print Report Label Forward Back Notes Exit
Either press the Appropriate letter to the function you want or
use the arrow keys to hilight that function and then press
Add new Prospects
Choosing Add immediately brings the user to the Add screen
and allows him to enter information on a new prospect. To
abandon entering this record and return to the main menu, press
escape. To accept this information as entered, simply press
return to the bottom of the screen or the 'PgDn' key at any time.
Search for a Prospect
When you choose Search, the bottom of the screen asks for
the Company name of the Prospect you are looking for. The Search
function is sensitive to upper and lower case.
Change Prospect's Record
Change allows the user to update the information on any
prospect. The only record not changeable is the Record number.
Update Prospect Status
This option allows you to change the status of a record. At
the top right of the prospect screen you will see either 'Client'
or 'Prospect'. There is a third choice call 'Non Potential'.
These records are not seen on the screen. But are reported out.
Delete Prospect's Records
Use this option to remove prospect records that you no
longer wish to keep of. You will be asked to confirm that you
really want to delete this record. If you say yes, TELESALE will
mark this record for deletion and will remove it permanently upon
your request when you exit the program.
Printing Prospect Sheets
Choosing this option prints a prospect record or a series of
prospect records to your printer with one record per sheet. This
allows you to give prospect sheets to your salesmen to go on the
road with. You have two options:
Print the current prospect record
Print all the records
January 10, 1987 TELESALE Page: 4
Printing Reports
There are basically two types of reports; Detailed and
Summary. These reports require a 132 column printer. If your
printer needs control codes to print in condensed print, you can
enter them during installation (see page 2).
The Detailed report contains the following fields:
- Name
- Address line 1
- Address line 2
- City
- Province/State
- Postal Code/Zip
- Area
- Phone 1
- Phone 2
- Company Name
- Profession
- Product 1
- Product 2
- Date of 1st contact
- Follow up date
- Lead from :
- Salesman
The Summary report contains the following fields:
- Name
- Area
- Phone 1
- Phone 2
- Product 1
- Product 2
- Date of 1st contact
- Follow up date
- Lead from :
- Salesman
- Notes 1
- Notes 2
You may sort either of these reports by any of the input
fields. Simply enter in the number of the field on which you
wish to sort and TELESALE does the rest. Don't be afraid to
experiment with this section to see what works best for you.
January 10, 1987 TELESALE Page: 5
Printing Labels
Labels for TELESALE should be 3 1/2" x 15/16" and should be
one-across. Again, you have two choices here:
Print a the current prospect label.
Print labels for all the prospects.
Exiting and returning to DOS
Always use the 'Exit' option to leave TELESALE. This will
properly close the data files before leaving the program. If you
simply turn off your computer, you run the risk of ruining your
data file.
If you have data problems, such as from a power failure,
erase the TELESALE.INX file and run TELESALE normally. TELESALE
will recreate the index and this clears up 90% of data problems.
We recommend that you make backups of your data file
(TELESALE.DAT) frequently. Use the DOS 'COPY' or 'BACKUP'
command to copy your data to a floppy disk. If you have a single
floppy disk system, use the diskcopy option to copy the entire
January 10, 1987 TELESALE Page: 6
Registering your copy of TELESALE
This is a user supported program. If you use TELESALE
regularly, you should register your copy. A contribution of
($10.00 suggested) would be greatly appreciated. You are
encouraged to copy and share this program with others as long as
it is not distributed in modified form and evidence of original
authorship is not removed. If you want the source code, please
send a cheque for $25.00. Contributions or suggestions for
improvements should be sent to:
4730 Queen Mary Rd. #12
Montreal, Qc,
H3W 1W8
att: Chris Vandersluis
If you wish to register your copy, please fill out the
Registration form on the following page and return it with your
contribution. We have include an invoice for your convenience.
January 10, 1987 TELESALE Page: 7
Product: TELESALE ver 1.02 Date: _________________
Name :___________________________________________________
Address :___________________________________________________
City :___________________________________________________
Province/State :____________________
Postal/Zip Code:____________________
Phone :_________________________
Company :____________________________________________________
Where did you get your copy of TELESALE? :__________________________
Any suggestions or fixes?:__________________________________________
January 10, 1987 TELESALE Page: 8
Purchased from : SOFTCITY
4730 Queen Mary Rd #12
Montreal, Qc
H3W 1W8
Date: _____/_____/_____ Invoice # 0187210
Product Qty Price
________________________________ __________ ____________
|__| TELESALE prospecting program and 1 $10.00
|__| TELESALE source code 1 $25.00
Sales Tax $ 0.00
Total ____________
Please make cheques payable to : SOFTCITY